Subject: Your lamps are a miricale! Please read
Message: Dear Sir or Madam, I'm writing to tell how wonderful your lamp art is. My niece whom is extremely Autistic, suffered the loss of her mother and father. She is now in my care. People with autism become very agitated by certain sounds , touch and light . Sometimes so much so that they physically hurt themselves. My niece Bxxxx became so agitated she began hurting herself, while we were visiting at a friend's house. We tried everything to calm her, nothing was working. We we're at the point of calling a ambulance. My friend let me take her to her room to try and get her to lay down or just get in a quit place to see if that would work. When I turned on the light switch the only thing that came on was one of your beautiful lamps. My niece got a huge smile on her face and started to laugh. I was so shocked at the mental change in her. She laid down and just stared at the lights. When it was time to leave she became agitated again not wanting to leave the lamp. I promised her we would come back for her to see the lamp. My friend has now moved . I have looked for your lamps for awhile now . So when I came across the site I was extremely happy. I will buy a lamp after I've saved up the money to purchase it. I'd like to get a couple so I can take one to the center for children with autism. I know the parents will want to purchase one after they see their child's reaction and how the calm just looking at it. I thought I would write so you could add to your site how the lamps may help someone autistic children. Thank you so very much for your time. Sincerely Kxxxxx Dxxxxx and Bxxxx Lxxxxxx

Dear Kursat,
Today the package arrived containing my beautiful gourd lamp, a surprise gift from my nephew and niece. From your workshop in Turkey all the way to my home in Ohio, USA. I am thrilled with it! It is so beautiful -- obviously one of a kind, and truly a work of art. I appreciate the more than two years that went into its making, including the growth of the magnificent gourd, its preparation, carving, etc. I have it in my livingroom, and it's next to a picture of my grandfather (who was born in the late 1800s and died in the 1950s). I love the light it casts. Thank you so much for your beautiful work!