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The Claw

You love pets, particularly cats. You have kids and you want them to be pet friendly. And maybe sometimes you have hard time taking them to thier room at sleep time. Well here is The Claw a suggestion to help you with all these.

Designed mainly for childrens room, The Claw is a calabash based handmade gourd lamp with drilling and beading work and natural finish.

With the two cats and a focus on their claws, this object is more than a lamp but a tool to help your child develop imagination and connect with nature.

So easy to use, my gourd lamps can be experimented with vatious light sources creating a different vibe with each different light. Use a dim low wattage light when you want to use it as night light. Try with LEDs to create different effects. The options are limited with what you can get at your local hardware.

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